Friday, June 13, 2008

A strong look in the mirror...

The ancient Greeks put one of my friends in a nut shell. Narcissus is the spitting image of my friend in the mental aspect. He feels that whatever he says or whatever he does, any one with in distance should find it important and want to be there. He puts himself on a pedestal higher than anyone could ever reach. Even in the aspect of relationships, he played games, lied, was unfaithful, and always found away out of trouble through his words. With his girlfriend, he made her so afraid of him with just his presence in voice and anger, she did not want to upset him and cause a bigger fight. He made her so submissive she could not do the things that he did (go out, have a drink at the bar with a person of the opposite sex, or even drink) because he loved how she played into his life.
Any type of conflict in his life, he handled it with violence. Because he did not have a response or becuase he did not want to talk about it, he used violence or argue (p. 447). He would get into fights when someone would try to place themselves above him or would challenge him. No real communication went on with my friend when he was in his moods. He did not seem to care what another was saying and would interrupt while changing the subject at the same time. Although in the book i scored above a 4.0 in one category and would score close with an upper 3 (above 3.5) the the others, do not consider myself higher than most people. The area i scored a 4 in was the leadership/authority questions (1-3 p. 455). I think i am a good leader, but i do not place myself in a higher authoritative place and take control of others with games and/or lying.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Arguing for some really seems like a sport. They use it to put themselves on a higher pedestal, as you said. I have a friend very similar to one you described. There seems to be know way to communicate, to get through to them when they are in one of "their moods". Their words, body language, and overall actions do make others to put their tail between their legs. I think arguing over important issues, like the presidential race or class discussions are fantastic. But there is a point were arguing is no longer arguing. Instead its one person being verbally aggressive and the other being verbal apprehensive. Both of which can be dangerous.