Saturday, June 21, 2008

now when to tell a story

'Timing is everything'. When engaged in a conversation, do you wait for the right time to tell that person something about you or do you tell them right away? There is a fine line here but in the text it states it is better to wait to tell a personal story (pg. 207). I think if a person jumps out and staresteem. ts telling personal things to people, the reciever of this story is going to think that is personal is too open, too out in your face, and too willing to spill information if told (trust). The person who jump starts the conversation with personal information probably is trying to prove something to that other person they are talking to. To me it seems they have no self control or self respect, or self esteem

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I can agree with you in many situations, but there are situations where this type of communication is appropriate and can be very useful. telling a personal story to some you just met or barely know is useful when you are trying to make them feel comfortable so that they can open up to you in return. this method is used in counseling and support groups. sharing of a personal experience may help a stranger relate to you and feel like it is okay to share a similar experience they may have went through.