Thursday, June 19, 2008

Open the Doors to your world

Privacy is a big issue for some. My own thinking about privacy is that there is a time for it. In a new relationship you are not going to tell that newly loved one everything about you. You may keep things from your partner but keeping too much can be a problem. People can be really private about their life and become so isolated from the outside world that interaction in near impossible. People are sometimes afraid of leaving themselves vulnerable, but I say ‘go for broke’. You do not have to feel so vulnerable that you keep everything inside (then you end up like a guy I know that just upped and moved away from his family…and he was a grandfather of 13) because they will tend to cause more trust issues with people who you could potentially fully trust. Like the example in the book states that the couples who did not open up enough, caused arguments and had some communication breakdown. My final word: Open up to whom ever you feel is right. Go for broke and if they hurt you, it was not meant to be. Just let them know about your thoughts on opening up and they should respect your thoughts and feelings. You can not succeed in something if you are worried about failing.

1 comment:

CGH said...

I definitely agree with your post. I think it's so important to open up to the people you trust. I think that it will always improve a relationship, even if the secret was a rather big one. Keeping secrets only makes things more complicated. However, I think it is extremely important to censor information when first getting to know someone because you don't want to scare them away. Opening up slowly is ideal.