Saturday, June 14, 2008

Imus just can not adapt

With the example of don Imus in the beginning of chapter 16 it caused a little bit of anger inside of my stomach. The example of Imus shows that a person can be successful and have fame, but one simple phrase can ruin it all. I am not sure what he was trying to accomplish with his quote but it was out of context for a person like him. Some lingo is only for a certain group or is only acceptable in some groups. For me, I can joke around with my black friends when we are together in a private setting an make fun of them, but it would not be okay for me to do that in front of their other black friends whom i do not know. Imus did not show the communication competence by not adapting to the certain environment that he was in. He was not being sensitive to ALL the listeners of his show. He stated a phrase that was negative in nature and he had not adapted his lingo to show the importance of an other persons goals or feelings. Imus being a older white male did not the right social composure is the radio announcement because he was talking in a negative nature. He was not trying to name these girls in a positive way and thus down grading their physical goal of winning a national championship. But most of all Imus did not have the right appropriate disclosure. He was not sensitive to the information about the girls basketball team, and never decided to articulate on his statement but used the name as a label of these girls.

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